Allelica Multi-Ancestry Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) PRS Test

Empower physicians to improve clinical decision making and deliver precision medicine for cardiovascular disease.

Patient eligibility

The Allelica Multi-Ancestry CAD PRS Test is designed for individuals of any ethnicity who fall into one of the following groups:

  • Individuals under 40 for whom the Pooled Cohort Equation does not apply
  • Patients 18 - 79 years old with a family history of CAD or other cardiovascular diseases
  • Patients 40 - 79 years old with borderline or intermediate 10-year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) risk for whom genetic risk may be a risk enhancing factor

Benefits of the Allelica CAD PRS Test

The Allelica CAD PRS test has several key benefits for patients and providers:

  • Providers can use the test to correctly reclassify patients at intermediate risk into high risk and so adjust therapeutic and preventive strategies accordingly;
  • Providers can use test results to help patients better understand all their personal risk factors which impact overall risk and how to mitigate this risk;
  • Providers can use the results, together with other clinical information, to guide primary and secondary intervention;
  • Patients can have a better understanding of their individual risk profile and learn which steps they can take to lower their overall risk.


How can I order the test for my patients?

You can order the test now at To set up an in-house ordering system or an integration with your health system EHR, send us an email at to get started.

How long does testing take?

Testing takes up to 2 months, but average turnaround time is around 3-4 weeks.

Is the test covered by my health insurance?

If your patient meets one of the following medical necessity criteria, Allelica will submit the claim to their insurance:

  1. 1. Borderline or intermediate 10-year ASCVD risk
  2. 2. Family history of coronary artery disease (CAD)

Reimbursement may vary on a case-by-case basis. However, Allelica offers a financial assistance plan to support patients with limited financial resources.

How is patient DNA and personal information protected?

Allelica and our partner labs are CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited. We follow strict regulatory policies that are put in place to protect patient privacy and genetic data. You can be confident that all of your patient data will be stored safely in a HIPAA-compliant manner.

The Allelica Advantage

World leaders in polygenic risk score analysis

Trusted technology that follows the highest quality standards in medicine

Dedicated to delivering the most precise, personalized results to patients

Backed by years of rigorous R&D performed by world-renowned scientists and medical researchers

Committed to closing the diversity gap in genetic medicine and providing all patients with premier PRS testing