

Leveraging Genomics to Empower the Future of the NHS: Aligning with the Darzi Review’s Vision

Lord Darzi’s Independent investigation of the NHS in England

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Polygenic risk scores for breast cancer prevention: a guide for physicians

A how-to guide for how to use breast cancer polygenic risk scores

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Harnessing polygenic risk scores for cardiovascular disease prevention: A guide for physicians

Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

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Allelica’s ancestry first approach for clinical PRS implementation

Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) are a powerful tool in precision medicine, offering insights into an individual’s genetic predisposition to various diseases.

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How to apply polygenic risk scores across diverse populations

Polygenic risk scores (PRS) predict the likelihood of developing complex diseases based on an individual’s genetic makeup. However, their application across different genetic ancestries presents numerous challenges.

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What is a polygenic risk score?

Allelica builds software that enables clinical genetics labs and health systems to deploy robust and accurate Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS), at scale. But what is a PRS?

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Estimating absolute risk of disease with PRSs

Allelica, Inc’s risk reports align with disease specific guidelines to communicate an individual’s risk of disease based on their PRS. Risk can be communicated as relative or absolute...

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Save time and money on your clinical trials

Randomized clinical trials are the gold standard approach for testing the efficacy and safety of novel therapeutics in real world populations and are essential for bringing drugs safely to market. However, a number of variables make clinical trials...

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Allelica and Labcorp collaborate for multi-ancestry polygenic risk score analysis

As Allelica continues to work toward enhancing accessible data-driven healthcare, we are proud to announce a collaboration with Labcorp to ensure polygenic and monogenic risk factors are assessed and accounted for in the patient journey...

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Doctors: Don’t let high risk patients leave your office

The publication of the updated Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Reports is a timely reminder of the many different diseases that affect the global population. With somewhat morbid curiosity, it’s fascinating to...

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Implementing polygenic risk scores in the clinic: Use cases for cardiovascular disease risk management

The evidence is undeniable — polygenic risk score (PRS) testing enables healthcare providers to identify more high risk patients at an earlier stage, leading to better risk management and improved outcomes...

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Using polygenic risk scores to identify people who respond better to drugs

We have previously reported how polygenic risk scores (PRS) can be used to identify people at high genetic risk of disease, paving the way for their use as tools for the prevention of common, chronic disease...

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It is time for polygenic risk scores to be used in breast cancer risk assessments

Much of the development of polygenic risk scores (PRSs) centers on assessing their ability to predict risk in different populations. This undoubtedly provides assurance of their clinical validity, which is a crucial component of PRS development...

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The IMPUTE Module: Enriching Low-Coverage and Microarray data

Fast and scalable genome imputation of Low-Coverage WGS and Microarray data in just minutes. Allelica’s PRS pipeline is built around a set of interconnected modules…

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Building the environment for genetic risk prediction for cardiovascular disease

Bringing a new medical test to market requires generating and compiling a range of evidence. A commonly used framework for evaluating novel genetic tests involves describing an assessment of three main aspects of the test: its analytical validity,...

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Cardiovascular disease in the workplace: how to leverage data-driven solutions to the biggest health challenge facing employers

In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, the health and well-being of employees are paramount for sustained productivity and success. One of the most prevalent health challenges facing workplaces is cardiovascular disease, particularly...

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Five Considerations for Selecting a Workplace Wellness Program: How to Achieve Strong ROI for Employers & Long-Term Benefits for Employees

In the fast-paced world of business, ensuring the well-being of employees has become a top priority for innovative employers. A successful wellness program not only fosters a culture of healthier and happier employees, but also yields impressive returns...

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How to ensure lasting employee engagement in your workplace health program

Maintaining a healthy and engaged workforce is a cornerstone of a successful organization. Workplace health programs not only enhance the well-being of employees but also contribute to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and...

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Using polygenic risk scores to enhance cardiovascular disease risk prediction

Cardiovascular diseases — a general term for a suite of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels — account for one in three deaths globally and are a major drain on public health spending. Our risk of cardiovascular disease increases as we age...

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How to superpower a clinical trial with PRS

Clinical trials are an essential part of the pharmaceutical industry, but they face many challenges. One of the significant obstacles is the high rate of failure, with over 90% of drug candidates that...

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PRS & Shared Decision Making

A valid question that is often asked when discussing PRS implementation is “how will this information be used in clinical care in the absence of clinical guidelines for PRS”? One approach is to ensure PRS risk information is presented in a way that...

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NSGC’s PRS Practice Resource: Your PRS one-stop shop

This year was kicked off by the publication of the NSGC Practice Resource for Clinical Counseling/Translation of Polygenic Scores, put together by Wand et al. — a stellar team of leaders in the PRS field.

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PRS-powered disease risk reporting

We’ve previously written about how you can use Allelica’s DISCOVER software to build new polygenic risk scores (PRS) and to deploy them at scale with PREDICT. While a PRS provides…

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Harnessing the power of PRS by combining standardized reporting with Allelica’s software

This week, scientists from the Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen) Complex Disease Working Group and the Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog published a paper in Nature introducing…

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Understanding the link between genetics, cholesterol and coronary artery disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, with recent estimates putting the global death toll at around 18 million each year. It is also a major burden on populations and health systems, contributing to…

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The PREDICT Module: Unlocking the power of genomics

In our previous articles on Allelica’s PRS pipeline, we ran through how you can use our DISCOVER module to build your own PRS for a disease or trait of interest, as well as how our VALIDATE module can be used to test the predictive power of…

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The VALIDATE module: Quantifying the power of PRS

Essential testing of your PRS on an independent population. In our previous articles outlining Allelica’s PRS pipeline we described how users can impute genotype or…

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The DISCOVER Module: Seamlessly building new polygenic risk scores

A user friendly, cloud-based computing solution to build state-of-the-art, publication ready polygenic risk scores. The DISCOVER moduleallows users to build their own polygenic risk…

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Coronary Artery Disease: Predicting risk through genetics

Within the last two decades, and upon completion of the world’s largest biological project in 2003, interest in the human genome and its effect on…

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Large Scale Genomics Datasets In the UK

We previously wrote about the enormous impact that the UK Biobank (UKBB) is having to translational research. Although the scientific outputs from this project are now beginning…

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Genetics is actionable

In Allelica we’re very excited about the incredible advances that analyses of large DNA datasets are bringing to medicine. In addition to the increasingly…

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Beyond BRCA

Vast quantities of human DNA have been sequenced for biomedical research and clinicians, researchers and innovators are now beginning to focus on the next phase of the genomic revolution: translating these data into tools...

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Disease is Polygenic

In the late 19th Century, a Moravian monk named Gregor Mendel passed his time by running experiments cross-breeding different types of pea plant. Amongst his…

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The UK Biobank: unleashing the power of genome

A central goal of preventative medicine is to identify the people most at risk of disease early enough that something can be done…

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